Decoding the Cutting-Edge Technology of the Australian Grand Prix Pitlane: Day 1 Insights

Decoding the Cutting-Edge Technology of the Australian Grand Prix Pitlane: Day 1 Insights
Image source: Autosport
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Australian GP: Tech images from the F1 pitlane explained – Day 1

A small but interesting feature was added to the rear wing pylon on the Ferrari SF-24 in Australia, with winglets on either side of the assembly – a new design choice. Red Bull Racing RB20 utilized cameras on the bridge of the nose to observe front wheel deflectors, with target stickers affixed for assessment while in motion. Sauber’s C44 showcased a different camera arrangement on the front wing, focusing on the outboard section for a unique perspective. RB F1 Team VCARB01’s front wing design included twisted flaps and downwash winglets to enhance outwash capabilities. Mercedes W15 front wing remained unchanged but added new sensors for additional experiments to understand its performance quirks. Red Bull RB20’s rear end featured a slim beam wing arrangement, diffuser, and rear brake duct deflectors with varying thickness, showcasing attention to aerodynamics. These technical details offer a glimpse into the intricate design elements and strategic decisions made by the teams to optimize performance on the track.

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